The number of sight words read fluently increased when the pre-and post-test data were compared. Keep practicing and we will try them again next time!” (Sometimes, if I have a few minutes during morning work time, I’ll also have kids read their lists to me. Kindergarten Sight Words- Primer FlashCards for First Grade Word Lists: First Grade Sight Words- Level 1 First Grade Sight Words- Level 2 First Grade Sight Words- Level 3 Contact Us. on Kindergarten Students Retention of Sight Words. Then, since the STUDENT is the one doing the tracking, she simply sends the child off to color in their game board, OR, tells the student “That was a great try. The student brings the teacher the assessment list and reads it while the teacher checks off the ones that were read correctly. This worksheet asks students to circle high frequency words such as am, look, and in that they can recognize by sight. This seems to be enough time for all students to get assessed (since the word list only has 10 words at a time, it goes FAST!!!). Students color and count the sight words and then graph or tally the results.Concepts covered: sight word recognitioncounting sets of objectsrecording numbers in a graph and/or as a tallymore and lessusing sight words in a sentenceLooking for more Color By Sight Word Activities. However, the EASIEST way, and the one I will stick to in the future, is to get a parent volunteer, or an aide, available for just 20-30 minutes every Friday during Daily 5 time. I’ve done this two different ways: I’ve set aside one round of Daily 5 time on Fridays and used it as “Assessment Time.” This could mean sight word assessments or other report card and district “one-on-one” assessments I need to accomplish. I found that the easiest way for me to keep up with the assessments is to allow students to take their sight word assessment tests on Fridays.

As they read the words, check them off on a test copy for each student.I’ve honestly changed the day and time (and how) I assess sight words every year in my room! This often varies depending on our schedule from year to year. All you need to do is display the PowerPoint slides for students to see at home or in person. The words are in the same order as the test forms above. When it comes to testing, teachers have found these to be super helpful: Fry Sight Word Digital Center and Test and Dolch Sight Word Digital Center and Test. They can study, make flashcards, have parents quiz them, and then be ready for you to assess them. However, you can send just the pages your students need by selecting PRINT, selecting PDF, and selecting the pages you want to save to your computer. This set includes a master list of 100 words that you can pass out to parents as well as an assessment sheet that you can mark on and total your students progress throughout the year.

All 1,000 Fry words and all 220 Dolch words are included.
Send home a FREE set of Fry Word Lists or FREE set of Dolch Word Lists (via Google Classroom, email, or another secure site). Looking for a quick solution for your students. Use this video above for a sample of the digital sight word review that students can use at home or at school during whole group, small guided reading group, or during reading centers to practice Fry Sight Words 1-25! Read each sight word within 3 seconds and then read the next word. Heres another way to practice your sight words Join our class by clicking HERE.